The Westfall Chicken Quest (Just a Minute)

HearthCast show

Summary: Hey Freckleface here, and I wanted to tell you about a very easy questthat gives you your own non-combat pet, the Westfall chicken. Head over to the Saldean's farm in northeastern Westfall, where thereare some chickens grazing.Using a macro, target oneĀ  and spam the emote /chicken. After about 30 seconds, two things happen: 1. The target name changes from yellow to green, and you get a message that says the chicken is looking at you quizzically, and you should inspect it. 2. When you right click on the chicken it will give you a level 1 questcalled "cluck". To do the quest, buy some feed from the farmer and cheer at the chicken before giving the feed to it. At completion, the chicken will lay an egg that you can click on tocollect. Then click on the new item from your inventory to learn howto summon it. Now remember you have to do the quest immediatly after starting, or youwill have a dead chicken on your feet when you try to turn it in. And although the quest is repeatable, the egg is BOP. Enjoy your pet, and don't forget to tune in this Tuesday with Rewt and myself for our full episode of HearthCast.