The Halli Casser-Jayne Show  show

Summary:   A startling statistic: approximately one out of every eight Americans is living with some form of addiction. Looking at the larger picture that means that drugs and/or alcohol is a problem for approximately 30 million people in the U.S. alone. Addictions to these substances and the mental health issues associated are one of the more serious health problems affecting families and our nation as a whole. And addiction is costly to society: One-quarter of all hospital admissions are related to alcoholism/addiction and that total cost is estimated to be $250 billion per year.   On The Halli Casser-Jayne Show on Wednesday, May 16 from 3-4 pm EST and Thursday, May 17 from 9-10 pm EST, we’re joined by Jerry Murphy, a recovering alcoholic and chemical dependency consultant and Dr. Joseph A. Troncale of Lancaster General Hospital in Pennsylvania.  Jerry and Joe co-host “Trudge the Road,” a breakthrough radio show that’s a 12-step program for the airwaves. The show was specifically created for addicts who are too uncomfortable to attend conventional meetings, and for family members who have never planned an intervention. Listeners of “Trudge the Road” can call in the privacy of their own homes to share their experiences with substance abuse, receive advice and recommendations to conquer their addictions. We discuss with Jerry Murphy and Dr. Troncale how they developed the concept for this  dramatic new program, and how the anonymity of radio has helped addicts and their families. Join us to learn more about how talk radio has become a force in addiction recovery.