Words from Nerds 210: How Much Does A SegWay?

Words from Nerds – Same3Guys show

Summary: Summary: Microsoft drops prices on RT tablets. Should you invest in one now? A beer machine that's as easy to use as your coffee maker? And an HDTV that even your Mom might approve of. Lots of nerdy news, our mobile app pick and the week in Nerd History. Hosts: Tom Kresic, John Kresic, Mike Kresic Running Time: 43:12   Mobile App of the Week: Ruzzle puzzle app is like "Boggle with Friends".   Nerd News: Need to get the water off your back while riding your bike? Try the Veleau. How about a craft beer machine as easy to use as a coffee maker? Don't like a Segway? Solo wheel doesn't have the range or speed? How about a Ryno. Maybe you shouldn’t leave the AT&T wireless network after all Bone conduction MP3 player for underwater use. Who needs a cheaper Surface to work on? Is that Hyperloop Musk I smell? Beep Beep Beep... the coins keep coming out. An HDTV that maybe Mom will approve of. This Week in Nerd History: July 15, 1799 - Rosetta Stone is found. July 16, 1941 - Joe DiMaggio hits in his 56th consecutive game, still the current record. July 15, 1983 - the Nintendo Entertainment System is release in Japan.