Episode 82 6 Things To Do BEFORE You Start A Business July 15 2013

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: You might have read the title of today’s post and thought “Nope, this one isn’t for me Uncle Paul. No plans on starting my own business!” I have two responses to that . . . How do you know what the future has in store for you? I knew in my heart that “someday” I might start a business again but I had no clue that life would through a left hook at my wife and I in 2011? Even so, I still think there’s a lot for you to take away from the things I’m going to cover. By the way, this is going to be something very different that what you’re used to reading when it comes to starting a business. Most experts tell you all about business plans and securing lines of credit, attorneys etc. If you want more of that, the good news is that everyone talks about it. Not me! I want to talk with you about the stuff no one ever covers! Here’s What You’ll Gain By Listening Today . . . We’ll cover how you can “build your network” long before you need them. Most people wait until its far too late when it comes to building a network. There are a good 5 or so tips in this section alone that most people aren’t doing! You’ll learn about something you need to have in place in a really strong way otherwise you most probably won’t make it beyond the 19-24 month “death zone” of new business start ups. If you think its money and clients . . . think again! Something you need to discuss with your significant other if you want your relationship to survive the rapids up ahead! You’ll learn about the importance of defining the things that are absolutely, positively “out of bounds” when it comes to clients, work/life balance etc. We’ll talk about a really cool (and really sick sounding) concept called a “human war chest” and how it will make your life easier when you start your business! Why and how you’ll need to embrace learning at a much higher level if you want to thrive. Resources Mentioned In This Week’s Podcast . . . 1) I mention the awesome Social Media Marketing Podcast. 2) How to build your army BEFORE you need it! 3) How to transition your network from virtual to real time! 4) How to define your “out of bounds markers”. 5) How to bring your learning up to a more serious level. 6) The “left hook” that made me start Castain Training Systems! Are you diggin The Sales Playbook Podcast? If you’ve been loving, what you’ve been hearing on The Sales Playbook podcast, please stop by iTunes, leave us a 5 star rating and a review . . . You’d make this aspiring sales rock star’s day! Instructions on how to write a review on iTunes: Step 1  Click on this link Step 2 Look to the left and there’s a button that says “view in iTunes” click it. Step 3 Scroll down to where it says “customer reviews” Directly under that it says       “write a review” Step 4 Write an awesome review for your Uncle Paul