The Stupid Dangerous Drama Games That Divorcing People Do!

LanceScurv show

Summary: Child manipulation/brainwashing, public fights and screaming matches, internet character assasinations and stalking, unwanted job visits, mad because of the new significant other, child support games and straight out assaults or even murder! What makes two people who at one time practically vowed to stay together forever or even merely stay in a committed go at each other so viciously to the point of buffoonery as though they are hellbent on being a thorn in that ex-spouses life forever! For many, it has become what they do as their favorite pastime or recreation. Every time you see someone going through this increasingly common and very embarrassing scenarios, you have to realize that it never started out that way. There was a time when these very much now "public enemies" were so kind, loving, affectionate and protective over one another it seemed as though their every moment together was pure HEAVEN! No one would have ever thought that this loving couple would be at each others throats every chance they got and would demean and put down each other to absolutely anyone who cared to listen! I don't know about you but I have been priviledged (?) to be on the receiving end of having to hear when a disgruntled ex-spouse decided to air out the dirty laundry as only they can do it! We really need to speak on this game of Russian Roulette of the heart because with the pressures of the world ever increasing we depend more on those that we love and when things seem to run it's course with two who can't move on in a positive manner it always seems to be a recipe for disaster! We want everyone to share their tales of a marriage or love gone bad because maybe someone who is thinking of doing something foolish will change their mind and COME TO THEIR SENSES! See you there!