TKC 258 Jamie LaRue

The Kindle Chronicles show

Summary: Director of the Douglas County (Colo.) Libraries Interview Starts at 14:08 Now we have over 900 publishers who have said yes. That's translated for us to about 22,000 [eBook] titles that we've purchased so far. We still have about 14,000 that we're "buying," meaning renting from 3M and Overdrive and the people that are restricting our access. But we're really finding that outside of the Big 6 most publishers are more than happy to sell to libraries. They believe and they see the advantage of making their books discoverable through us. Show Notes and Links: News "Apple Loses: Judge Finds Price-Fixing in E-Book Case" by Andrew Albanese at Publishers Weekly - July 10, 2013 The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon, and the Big Six Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight by Andrew Richard Albanese - $1.99 at Kindle Singles (The Battle of $9.99 will be updated soon with information about Judge Denise Cote's decision against Apple.) "Court rules Apple fixed ebook prices, led an illegal conspiracy" by Jeff John Roberts at PaidContent - July 10, 2013 Judge Denise Cote's full decision (PDF) against Apple - July 10, 2013 "A New CEO Will Totally Turn Around Barnes & Noble's Technologically Obsolete Business and Dying Industry" by Matthew Yglesias at Slate - July 8, 2013 Amazon Publishing Launches Jet City Comics - press release July 9, 2013 "Symposium #1: A SideQuest Comic (The Foreworld Saga) - 99 cents for Kindle "Exclusive details on Amazon's next-gen Kindle Fire Tablets" by Zach Epstein at Boy Genius Report - Tech Tip "Amazon Quietly Tests Streaming Flash Videos to Kindle Fire Owners" by Ina Fried at All Things D - July 9, 2013 Interview with Jamie LaRue Jamie LaRue's (mostly) Library-related blog Douglas County Libraries site Video overview of Douglas County Libraries digital branch Content  "How to Install Bluefire Reader for Android on the Kindle Fire"at the Bluefire reader blog - February 3, 2012 Link for download of Bluefire Reader: Click here from your Kindle Fire The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot by Robert Macfarlane - $12.74 on Kindle "The Old Ways: a Journey on Foot by Robert Macfarlane - review" by Nicholas Lezard at The Guardian - July 2, 2013 Music for my podcast is from an original Thelonius Monk composition named "Well, You Needn't." This version is "Ra-Monk" by Eval Manigat on the "Variations in Time: A Jazz Persepctive" CD by Public Transit Recording" CD.  Please Join the Kindle Chronicles group at Goodreads!