Adrenal Fatigue Causes, Dangers, Cures (Encore)

Dr. Ritamarie's Vibrant Health Solutions Radio Show show

Summary: Your adrenal glands are each no bigger than a walnut and weigh less than a grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions in your body: managing stress. When you have adrenal fatigue your entire body feels it and suffers from extreme exhaustion as well. It’s estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience adrenal fatigue during their lifetimes, yet it remains one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses in the United States. Some of the main causes of Adrenal Fatigue (hint: some of the biggest culprits might not be what you think) The internal dangers of Adrenal Fatigue, and the toll it takes on your body (hint: adrenals are related to many other key functions in your body). Practical, do-able ways you can begin to heal and recharge your burned out adrenals, beginning today. Discover how to recharge your adrenals by balancing blood sugar, with the side benefits of banishing belly fat and brain fog forever! B4BeGone