Anyone For An Evening of Watching Home Movies?

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Lights, Camera, home that is. We look back at the golden era of home movies. Before the availability of video cameras for personal use, 8-millimeter and super-8 home movies were extremely popular for preserving special events and recording family life in the U.S. Many people have memories of parents shooting home movies, and then sending the film off to be developed, and waiting for its return in order to finally see the film. Watching the movie was an event, as the living room was darkened, the projector and screen set up, and the whole family gathered round to watch the latest home movie. We remember events such as these, and we also look at the history of home movies, the technical side of how it all worked, and eventually how the emergence of home video all but did away with home movie-making. All in all a fascinating look back to a once-popular American pastime. Our Retro-Commercial is for Wynn's Automotive Products from 1963. Join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!