#19: David Jenyns: Sales Video Scripts

Web Video Marketing Show show

Summary: Today, the Web Video Marketing Show will be sitting down with internet marketing expert and all round good guy David Jenyns. Dave is a marketing and search engine optimisation expert, and runs a company called Melbourne SEO services. I've attended one of Dave's courses, and he is an absolute master of his stuff, as well as being a very good teacher. Now, Dave is quite multitalented, because he also runs a business called Melbourne Video Production, and he's been using video for many years to promote his stuff. In fact, I reckon he's one of the first internet marketers I've come across who really embraces video. Dave is comfortable in front of the camera. Add to this his knowledge of sales, and sales letters, and you have all the ingredients of someone who can really teach us a thing or two about using video marketing to promote your business. We've been talking about web video script writing quite a bit over the last few weeks on the show. Dave's going to add to this by giving us his take on how he approaches producing a sales video. In fact, Dave's been generous enough to run us through the formula he uses to make his videos. You can download this podcast directly from this link (http://media.blubrry.com/webvideo/content.blubrry.com/webvideo/WVMS-2013-07-08-019.mp3), or find The Web Video Marketing Show podcast on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/web-video-marketing-show/id571170077).