Orly Taitz on Obama's Phony SS Number - Jul 07,2013

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Those of us who have taken the time to try to answer the question ?Who is Barack Hussein Obama?? over the last six years, from Stanley Kurtz, Dinesh D'Souza, Jack Cashill, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Joel Gilbert, all of whom have appeared on the show to discuss their findings, agree on one thing; that is, wherever we look into his background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered (and probably forged) documents, deception and an endless series of unanswered questions. Among the remaining mysteries is the question of his many Social Security numbers. Today we'll ask Orly Taitz, who has been trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of Barack Obama for years, the current status of the legal proceedings to try to get to the truth. This situation brings the Founders' wisdom into stunning clarity. Obama, who has made no secret of his contempt for the Constitution as a doctrine of ?negative rights,? as in an obstacle to his plans to ?remake? our country by redistributing wealth in the interest of ?fairness,? is the poster child for the danger of ignoring their wisdom. Also, there's lots of 2nd amendment news this week, including the use of a Fast and Furious gun in the murder of a top cop in Mexico. With Egypt erupting, the Obama administration continues to ?lead from behind,? or in John Kerry's case, from his wife's yacht. There are some interesting parallels between the situation in Egypt and the current ?remaking? of America. We'll explore them. Michelle Obama reaches out to her mini me. What does it mean to ?act like? Michelle?