Ending The Need to Suffer

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Many of us have subconscious programs running that sabotage us as we're getting closer to our goals and happiness. Have you ever had the Fear of waiting for "the other shoe to drop" so to speak, if something goes right for you? In this call we'll explore some the treasons we fear the good things in life including success, and why we choose to suffer instead. It's always serving us in some way… let's find out how and show our subconscious another way… Let's end the suffering and say yes to Enjoying Life and Creating what we came here to experience. We are excited to welcome back Michele Burt back to our loving community circle. When Michele was on before, there was a powerful response of love and appreciation from our community, and a unanymous proclamation to have her return.    Michele offers a dynamic combination of analytical thinking and intuitive insight to help you quickly and effectively get to the bottom of what is keeping you from the healthy and abundant life you've always dreamed of.   Her life long spiritual focus, education, professional career and life experiences have truly empowered her to be a creatively skilled ThetaHealing Practitioner and International Theta Healing teacher.