#50 James & Per begin with words

UX Podcast show

Summary: Separated by a hundred million square kilometres of Atlantic Ocean, James and Per bring you a link show featuring three articles we've found during our digital travels. We start, as the article itself prescribes, by discussing content, words in particular. We then dovetail into Atomic Design and using chemistry as a conceptual metaphor for web design. Finally we look at persuasion profiling and how the psychology of persuasion could be used in our work with websites. (Listening time: 32 minutes) https://twitter.com/uxpodcast/status/350535970858336256 https://twitter.com/mijustin/status/350630620025720834 References: Words by Justin Jackson Story about a squirrel Atomic Design by Brad Frost Pattern Lab Persuasion profiling: The next big thing in conversion optimization? by Michael Straker Transcript: Per: Hello and welcome to episode 50 of UX Podcast. You’re listening to me, Per Axbom.  James: And me, James Royal-Lawson. Fifty episodes!  Per: Fifty episodes.  James: Fifty.  Per: Yes.  James: Oh, 50 episodes. View the full transcript  Per: And to celebrate, I’m in the country of 50 states. In our efforts to actually produce this show during the summer as well and we find ourselves in different locations. So I’m set …  James: Really different locations.  Per: Really different locations. I just woke up actually. I’m up north in Michigan in a town called Charlevoix or Charlevoix if you speak French but Charlevoix in American English, in a quaint little hotel and I just sent my family to breakfast. I’ve been vacationing now for a week and a half up here. So I’ve been having fun. It has been really, really hot. It has been like 30 degrees Celsius, in the 80s if you’re speaking Fahrenheit and been having a good time and then James reminded me via Facebook we have to record the show and here we are. James: I’ve kind of grabbed you now. You must be a week and a half into your holiday. Your brain must be like jelly because your body starts relaxing right now in hot temperatures, taking it easy and not working and things. So it’s going to be a real struggle getting anything useful out of you today. Per: Do you think? James: We will see. Per: There’s no difference from my voice. But you haven’t left from vacation yet, have you? James: No, I’m really busy today. I’ve got a deadline in two and a bit hours. Yeah. So I’ve been frantically producing a document. I’m actually trying to design a model for measuring usability. We can actually do a whole podcast about that. Oo, now there's an idea. Per: Excellent. James: I mean model for measuring usability in a very limited number of hours based on stuff that already exists. Per: Yeah, designing the model. Then actually using the model and writing up the report. James: Frankly, I’m not – this particular model, I’m not using it and writing it up. Per: Oh, OK. James: Someone else will have the joy of doing that. Per: Oh, excellent. James: But as for me, it’s nearly 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I’ve been at this now for – actually I’ve been at this for like seven hours. Might as well just … Per: You’re probably actually – I went to bed quite late so you were probably waking up when I went to bed. James: Probably. So my brain is probably nearly as much jelly-like as yours but for a completely different reason. Per: Oh, wow. James: Anyhow, yeah, so today though we’ve got a link show. Per: Yeah, to make it a bit easier on ourselves. James: Yeah, not subjecting a third person to this time zone mayhem. The link shows means for those who don’t know is when we take –well, in this case, three articles that we found during our digital travels and talk about them a little bit. Per: Yeah. And I think the theme of today is sort of going back to basics. I love it. James: Oh, yeah. I like the way that these three articles interconnect and interplay. It’s quite a nice little threesome. Did I just say that? Per: Yes, you did just say that. Oh my god.