Survival and Beyond - May 29, 2013

Survival and Beyond - show

Summary: On this show, I explore the question: Are humans predisposed to accept subjugation? Are we somehow hard-wired to believe the false reality and illusion that the ruling elite feeds us again and again? It would seem that a viscous cycle of control, oppression, manipulation, deception and slavery has been the recurring theme of human civilization since the dawn of recorded history. Each time the greatest weapon of the "powers that be" is the squelching of individualism and the conditioning of the masses into fear-driven, group (or herd) mentality. This pattern has repeated over and over throughout the ages, yet we still keep falling for the lie! The obvious solution to destroy the control grid and restore freedom - once and for all - is to start to recognize the power of individuality, and refuse to bow to the collective imperative. I also speculate on some theories (both alternative and mainstream) regarding our apparently altered genetic makeup and wonder if there may be a real biological difference between us and the psychopathic controllers (beyond their obvious mental/emotional defects). I also spend a little time reconciling the seeming contradiction of maintaining a fierce sense of individuality while also acknowledging the reliance we have on each other as well as the interconnectedness of all things. Finally, I wrap things up with some more observations and experiences in directing your own reality and the importance of letting go of old paradigms and becoming comfortable in the free-fall that is faith.