How To Succeed At Weight Loss - May 29,2013

Weight Loss Guru Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: On tonights show my guest is Nigel Worton. His story is all about tranformation in his health and well being. A few years ago his general health seemed ok. He was a couple of stone overweight but was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2007 following a routine blood test. He then tried the traditional "diet and exercise" appraoched and was prescribed Metformin. None of this worked so after much research he decided to take radical action. He has now lost 2 and a half stone and on tonights show he will explain the reasons he took the path he did, the lessons he has learnt along the way and the secrets of his success. In his own words "I don't have a book to promote, I have no medical or nutritional qualifications, I'm not attached to any form of media. I'm just a "regular guy" who has flown in the face of conventional wisdom."