World Watchers (NASA Doc Circa 2025)

LNM Radio Network show

Summary: World Watchers with host Peter Kling & Michael Vara. and together we will expose the world one truth at a time. Michael Vara brings a common sense approach with a tell it like it is attitude, Michael gives his opinions and his thoughts through his experience, research & hundreds of experts he has interviewed through the years as host of the popular Late Night In The Midlands. Peter Kling is Considered as the Einstein of Biblical prophecy: Peter Kling combined his scientific and religious knowledge together, to uncover the "mystery" that religion has tried to keep hidden for over 2000 years! We will be joined each week for about 20 mins by Stu in a segment we call  The Money Currency Corner with the Money Master   Please do your best to share our content,  flood our content where ever and how ever you can. Please Donate on the website listed below if you can it is the only way we stay on the air. become a member & be informed Become an LNM insider & subscribe for details go to