Show 826: Walleye and smallmouth action is hot now on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage and Madison chain. Making hunting and fishing dreams come true. New software takes the guesswork out of scouting a lake. Dan scores Lake Michigan trout and salmon with Dumpe

Outdoors Radio with Dan Small show

Summary: Exclusive to podcast and FM 100.5 ESPN broadcast: Madison tackle dealer Gene Dellinger reports controlled water levels on the Madison chain mean good fishing for bass, walleyes and panfish. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Tim Jahn, Wisconsin Ambassador for Hunt of a Lifetime, tells how his organization takes children with life-threatening illnesses hunting and fishing. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Deadhorse Lodge owner Cathy Weinkauf explains the fascinating history of her resorts name and invites listeners to explore the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Brian Haymart, co-founder of Strategic Fishing Systems, explains how his companys Elite Contour software makes pinpointing lake structure much easier. (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) Our new weekly giveaway is a bottle of Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix. Log onto <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and look for the answer to this clue: <i>You can gas up at this convenience store in the Meyer Brothers hometown and pick up a bottle of Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix.</i> If you think you know the answer, call 920-994-4082 by noon CDT on Monday, July 1 and leave your answer, your name and phone number. Our spring/summer giveaway is a fishing, lodging, meals and tackle package on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage in Mercer, Wisconsin, worth more than $1,300: three nights lodging for two at Anglers Paradise, dinner at Gateway Lodge, lunch at Subway of Mercer, guided fishing for walleyes with Doc Sabec and muskies with Bobby Orr, $30 in Mercer Loon Dollars and a Shimano Convergence walleye rod and Symetre reel. To enter, log onto <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, click on Enter to Win, and look for the Dan Small Outdoors Radio giveaway.