Loving Accountant Spreadsheet Mode! – TNC 508

Validate Your Life : Productivity and Minimalism, Tech, Atheism, and More show

Summary: I can't stand sex.  I hate sex.  I am much more interested in playing a video game to relax.  Being in Skinnaya infected Philleas and turned him into a sex-slave from 2000-2010.  I am 29 years old and I have been living of $7,200 per year for the past two years. I was addicted to porn in 2005.  Most sex I have had has been repulsive.  4 men fancied me so I had four homosexual experiences.  I am NOT a homosexual.  That said, however, I DETEST sex.  I hate America because it's a place that's infected and repulsively obsessed with sex.  I have had sex with 10 women and only liked this Danish woman.  Sex and sexual arousal made me feel enslaved and repulsive. I like (smiling now instead of scrunching my nose) math, computer science, and recently my fave OS has been android OS.  I would love to make android apps.  I've wanted to make a video game for over the past dozen years (much earlier really).  I find sex one of the most disruptive forms of exploitation possible and I am disgusted at sexual arousal. That said, this podcast is about me liking spreadsheets.  I mapped out the exact precise cost of groceries in a spreadsheet, got the exact amount and compared the exact amount estimated to the actual amount.  It sounds like a fairly simple project, but it got interestingly not necessarily complicated but...intricate.  I love using formulas in spreadsheets.  I wondered if I am an 'accountant'.  Not really, but with 100% certainty (atter doing karaoke and live karaoke on many occasions) know that I am NOT a rockstar musician idiot.  I also definitely not a sex person.  Women like me because I am intelligent or attractive or maybe they perceive me as sexual.  I am not sure what's going on with women but I know that I like spreadsheets, video games, computer science code, minimalism, and completing projects more than any sexual experience I have ever had times 100. I am glad I have become more attuned to what I like and what I dislike.  Good times. Here's that spreadsheet I made.  It wasn't too elaborate nor impressive of a project but when you live off of $7,200 per YEAR (not month - year) and was put into an abandoned house in which you have resided for over 720 days unwillingly and haven't been able to relocate because of not being able to afford rent when even the places you're overqualified to work at (grocery stores, pharmacies, places that are pathetically lame that I would never want and WILL never work at - I already dressed up as a performing monkey for Marvel Character Appearance program and I already slaved in a bakery and restaurant; those aren't careers; they're barely even jobs), it's rewarding and fun to make a spreadsheet, envision what food and drink you'll get and then acquire that exact amount. I liked making such a detailed spreadsheet because it made acquiring groceries something like a computer program.  I like computer science WAY more than groceries, so this was interesting, but it wasn't as interesting as making a computer program. I have felt sexually hijacked NUMEROUS (dozens...hundres possibly) times in life.  I wanted to take a calculus class and a woman at Colorado College (who's name began with an L and whom I've done my best to forget, distracted me).  Sexual arousal and particular Distractors whom wielded Sexual Hijackings to throw me off (I go into detail about Sexual Hijackings as a major ploy by Distractors in my 45,000 word book Thray: Book 1 - Omen.  I liked reading Richard Feynman's 'Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman'.  I liked that book and I'm not joking nor acting when I say (this is probably or certainly the result of having a bachelor's degree, having completed 2 sub-4-hour marathons that I never wanted to do, and neglecting math, computer science, and physics - those three areas of science interest me greatly) that I detest athletics almost as much as I find sex repulsive.  I like the idea of making android apps considerably.