#244: How To Reverse Eye Aging, Get A Better Butt, And Use Hot Baths For Performance and Fat Loss.

Ben Greenfield Life – Health, Diet, Fitness, Family & Faith show

Summary: Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode. June 19, 2013 Podcast: How To Use Hot Baths For Performance, Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes, How To Enhance Vision, How Your Feet Affect Your Butt, High Heart Rates on a Ketogenic Diet, Strength Training For Trail Runners, and How Your Ears Affect Your Muscles. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right side of this page, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or (if you hate the sound of your own voice) scroll down to the “Ask Ben” form. Please don't forget to give the podcast a comment/ranking in iTunes - it only takes a minute and you could win a BGFitness care package! ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+. Can Electrocuting Your Brain Improve Your Endurance? Whole eggs on a low carb diet are definitely a good thing - especially if you include yolks. Wow:  When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at higher level than when consuming glucose. Very interesting in this study that sugar is *most* damaging in the presence of fat. Why you shouldn't use an earthing mat or grounding mat.  These Ramadan results indicate that intermittent fasting based solely on  absence of food intake is beneficial for men only. Great article about why John Keifer is WRONG that all "cardio is bad". ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: The brand new Ben Greenfield Fitness app - is your portal to all of Ben's best fitness shows, special episodes, and videos in one convenient spot - including exclusive bonus content you won't get anywhere else except inside this app! 2013 Thailand Triathlon Adventure with Ben Greenfield - details at pacificfit.net. Now including the pre-camp: It's a "high end" triathlon training resort. Brand new facilities - check 'em out! We're going to do coached sessions every day. It won't be hardcore training as much as a focus on learning about nutrition, training, fitness, and how to "get the edge" in endurance, life and health! Brand new BenGreenfieldFitness triathlon kits and clothing is available! Need a BenGreenfieldFitness triathlon suit or running/workout shirt? bgpromo13 is good for 20% off of anything. If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past - we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1. Including: 1. The Benefits of Fish vs. Fish Oil 2. The Best Ways to Stop Hair Loss 3. Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels 4. Strengthen Your Immune System & Shorten the Duration of a Cold 5. Top 10 Ways to Boost Libido 6. Get Rid of Migraines Naturally 7. Become a Curvaceous, Lean, Ripped Female Athlete Without Destroying Your Health 8. Stop Side Stitches as Fast as Possible 9. Is It Possible for a Vegan to Be a Healthy Endurance Athlete 10. How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink Each Day ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast "sidekick". How To Use Hot Baths For Performance -- Michael wrote in to ask @ 00:26:56 In your recent podcast, you mentioned that taking a 20-minute hot bath two days before a hard effort or race could be beneficial. Is there anything to the frequency of this practice? Currently, I'm training for for an iron-distance triathlon, so every Saturday is a long ride followed by a transition run (and Sunday is a long run). If I did a soak EVERY Thursday, would that be too much... or to a degree that the practice would lose its effectiveness as you reported? Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes -- Jenny says @ 00:34:09 She has had a problem with her eyes being really dry. She has used drops and increased her omega3s.