Episode 2x03 – Blood

Intro To X show

Summary: Happy Cinco de Mayo! Silent co-host Kim unmutes again as we talk about the wackiness that is 'Blood' whilst raising our Blood Alcohol Content by playing an introtox drinking game! It's a super awesome episode so grab some booze and play along if you want to test the amazing recuperative power of the human liver! Official Introtox Drinking Game Rules Shot - Puns / jokes by Robin nobody laughs at - Any mention of ramjack - If Man is standing in front of screen appears in Claires DVD menu screen. - Any time I have to say shut up Robin. - If we reach 10 pieces of feedback. - If any voicemail feedback goes over the 5 minute mark Drink - Going forward and back - Puns / jokes by robin - If there is a connection to Leprachauns, in the hood. - If Robin tries to justify x-files logic. - If Brad then corrects Robin with actual logic. - If we offer up an alternate ending. - Every time a “fun fact” is brought up about Chris Carter - Every time we discuss an electronic item getting smashed (as we will be smashed, lame joke) Be warned: shit is gonna get crazy. Don't drive or operate heavy machinery whilst playing along. Maybe lock your phone up and send the kids to grandma's house too.