The Obscurecast | Press Start to Continue 5-17: Quoth the Raven: “F*!%&£!”

The Obscurecast show

Summary: Hello friends in Obscurity! First: Apologies for the later than usual show this week, agro from the real-life boss has meant that we had trouble getting everyone together to do a show at the same time, as a happy result Razer is joined this week both as guest and impromptu co-host by another Girls Gone WoW cast: SilkyRaven! The two talk about some tragic losses to the tech/sci-fi world. They discuss a Telegraph article about the 50/50 gender split in todays gaming and what it means for the future, the disappearing Doctor, the OUYA's competitor, Diablo III on consoles, and a whole host of World of Warcraft news! Plus, can Raven manage to avoid dropping F-bombs? Find out below!   Gaming News Highlights Raz Tragic death of Occulus Rift co-founder Andrew Scott Reisse Will Girl Gamers soon overtake guys? - how will that be anything but awesome?! WTF is Flex Raiding?! Ouya Competator offers unlimited games for $7p/m Diablo coming to consoles WoW players imprisoned for child abuse/false imprisonment - WoW addiction to blame?   Sil New Mount on the blizzard store: Matt Smith leaving Dr Who: Talking Point for the week (talking point and any reader feedback) What game have you invested the most money on/in and why   Next Week Who do you want to see as the new doctor, could they possibly be Black/Asian/female/ginger? Obscurebag: ‏Mallusof @RzBg @obscurecast wow, no doubts. Transfers subscription fees, all that. :(   zesty1986 @Lumineus @obscurecast diablo, but now that warhammer quest is on iPad we could have a new champion   ‏mbuhtz @Lumineus @obscurecast World of Warcraft (full sub since release, all expansions), followed by D&D (tons of sourcebooks for 3 editions). Why? D&D: the people, the stories, the creative process of GMing. WoW: an endless stream of no-stress stuff to do.   Ian  @obscurecast Talk about obscurity, have you seen the obscure atlas? here's a Lovecraft tour on it: …     Hello GGW,  Do you think that WoW has gotten to the point whereby addons and amazing tools like AMR are a requirement rather than a useful addition?  It depends on your playstyle.  I'm a bit of a min-maxer.  I run LFR and try to keep my main as current as possible and I also run a few max-level alts.  I use AMR to scout gear upgrades, from which vendor item to buy to which boss I want to spend an Elder Charm/Rune of Fate on.  AMR is also very useful in that it puts all the various gear pieces together as an expansion rolls on (ex. more reps, vendors, bosses).  But is it necessary?  I don't think so.  As a general rule the newest gear vendor or raid will have bigger and better items.  You can guess-timate (guess + estimate) various caps and thresholds like hit and expertise without an addon like ReforgeLite to perform mathematical gymnastics.  I haven't done the math to compare what my DPS would be like if I did NOT use these resources, so it's hard to say how much of a difference these tools make.  But the fact that I care enough to look up this type of information defines both my playstyle and how I enjoy the game.