#242: How To Switch Off Pain, Exercise During Cold Thermogenesis, How To Use D-Ribose and More!

Ben Greenfield Life – Health, Diet, Fitness, Family & Faith show

Summary: Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode. May 29, 2013 Podcast: Should you exercise during cold thermogenesis, how to use D-Ribose, what is a withings scale, how to turn off pain, should you run if you have epilepsy, what is a bad heart rate variability score, and an absolutely heart-melting finish... Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right side of this page, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or (if you hate the sound of your own voice) scroll down to the “Ask Ben” form. Please don't forget to give the podcast a comment/ranking in iTunes - it only takes a minute and you could win a BGFitness care package! ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on Twitter.com/BenGreenfield, Facebook.com/BGFitness and Google+. I suspect this is WHY I do better performing in heat when I'm following a ketogenic diet. Holy cow. Check out what WiFi can do to you. Scary. This is  interesting: if you push your nervous system just *slighty* too far you can "overcompensate" & bounce back even better. Here's a great rebuttal to the recent media attacks against fish oil. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: The brand new Ben Greenfield Fitness app - is your portal to all of Ben's best fitness shows, special episodes, and videos in one convenient spot - including exclusive bonus content you won't get anywhere else except inside this app! May 30 USAT Webinar with Ben Greenfield: Balancing Work, Life & Triathlon - Discover from coach, athlete and family-man Ben Greenfield how to merge your love for the sport of triathlon with family, social obligations, friends, hobbies and other activities - without sacrificing your training or multisport success! You'll get the proper strategies, tips and tricks to help both you, as well as any athletes or clients you coach, properly balance time and training. - Entry Fee: $24.99 for USAT Members and Race Directors; $39.99 for Non-Members - Event Date: May 30, 2013 - Start Time: 2:00 PM Pacific Ben is speaking in Sacramento on June 1 - at an event called a "Health and Wellness Celebration!". Come and join in Saturday, June 1, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (PDT). Exact location is in Folsom, CA. Go to audiblepodcast.com/ben - to get an audiobook of your choice, free, with a 30-day trial. 2013 Thailand Triathlon Adventure with Ben Greenfield - details at pacificfit.net. Now including the pre-camp: It's a "high end" triathlon training resort. Brand new facilities - check 'em out! We're going to do coached sessions every day. It won't be hardcore training as much as a focus on learning about nutrition, training, fitness, and how to "get the edge" in endurance, life and health! Brand new BenGreenfieldFitness triathlon kits and clothing is available! Need a BenGreenfieldFitness triathlon suit or running/workout shirt? bgpromo13 is good for 20% off of anything. If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past - we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1. Including: 1. The Benefits of Fish vs. Fish Oil 2. The Best Ways to Stop Hair Loss 3. Increase Your Hematocrit & Oxygen Levels 4. Strengthen Your Immune System & Shorten the Duration of a Cold 5. Top 10 Ways to Boost Libido 6. Get Rid of Migraines Naturally 7. Become a Curvaceous, Lean, Ripped Female Athlete Without Destroying Your Health 8. Stop Side Stitches as Fast as Possible 9. Is It Possible for a Vegan to Be a Healthy Endurance Athlete 10. How Much Water Do You Really Need to Drink Each Day ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast "sidekick". Casey @ 00:27:35 He had an idea to combine cold thermogenesis with the Litvinov Training Protocol.