#036: The Best Online Business Tools [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show show

Summary: In today's podcast, I am spending a lot of time answering one of the most common questions I receive: "Ray, what online business tools or software do you use to run your Internet based business?" I'll go into detail about what online business tools I use, why I chose them, and also be very candid about whether I would make the same choice if I were starting over again today. Specifically, in this episode we will cover the following: I will share my new favorite iPad app, which is a notetaking app with a twist. In Spiritual Foundations, will discuss God's will to heal in all areas of your life. I will go in-depth on the subject of online business tools. I'll get specific, and name names. Stu McLaren shares exactly how frustrations can be the source of million-dollar business ideas. And I will share a few special announcements. Tip Of The Week This week's tip is for another iPad app. This one is called simply Paper. What makes it different from the app I reviewed last week? Paper is more than a notetaking app. It is really intended for artists. It works and feels like, well... paper. Hence the name. Check it out. Spiritual Foundations God's nature is to heal you in every way: "…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." Acts 10:38 Don't fall for the lie that says God made you sick to "teach you something". That's not who He is! The Best Online Business Tools In the course of running an online business, there are many tools and applications to choose from. I use a lot of different tools in my own business, and I am frequently asked for recommendations about what the best tools to use might be. I am going to supply some very specific answers, and share some of the tools that I use most in my own business. Before I do, however, I want to make a couple of things very clear. First of all, it is rarely the case that the lack of a tool creates the lack of success. In my experience, successful people are successful despite not having the "right tools". This may sound counter-intuitive. I am not saying that it's wrong to have the best tools available to get the job done. That would be ridiculous. What I am saying is this: if you are using your search for the “perfect tools” as an excuse not to act, you will almost certainly encounter disappointment. Perhaps outright failure. There is no such thing as a “perfect tool”. It's better to start with what you have, from where you are, and do the best job possible. That is what being an entrepreneur is all about. Creating value out of the available resources. The second thing you should be aware of is that I do receive a commission for recommending most of the tools listed here. If that bothers you, feel free to disregard my advice. However, I will say this: I do not recommend any tool that I have not used myself, or that I do not feel will help you. Here is my list of recommended tools, software, and websites. These have helped me build a successful online business, and I believe they can help you do the same. What I'm Using Now... And Most WordPress.org - This is what I recommend almost everyone use to build their website. It's about more than just “blogging”, it is a rocksolid architecture for constructing any website. There is a reason why so many Fortune 500 companies choose to build their website on the WordPress framework. Plus, because of the ability to apply different “themes” to your WordPress site, you can change the look and feel of your website with the touch of a button (or, in this case, the click of a mouse). Just make sure you are running the self hosted version of WordPress, which will be found that WordPress.org. You don't want to build your website on WordPress.com, because you lose a certain amount of control, and also it just looks less professional. DIYthemes.