#044: Productivity Experiment Results So Far [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show show

Summary: I recently wrote here on the blog about some new productivity "tweaks" with which I have been experimenting. Today's podcast is a report on the results. In this week's podcast episode: A "field report" on my latest productivity experiments. An alternative to mindmaps. How to get free of those "guilty feelings". Stu McLaren on hiring the right people. Tip Of The Week Not into mind mapping, but wish there was an easy way to outline your ideas? You have got to try Workflowy. It was made for the purpose. Spiritual Foundations Are you plagued by feelings of guilt, about regrets over what you should have done in a certain situation? Don't be... There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2 When Jesus came and paid the price for sin, that included all of our sins. Past, present, and future. That means is far as he is concerned, we have nothing to regret. A "guilty conscience" is not the work of our father in heaven, but is the work of the enemy-the devil. See Hebrews 9:14. Lifestyle Business Stu McLaren has wisdom to share on the subject of hiring-and on not being cheap. Feature Segment: Results of My Productivity Experiments Recently, I wrote on my blog a post about a new plan for improved productivity in 2013. I thought it might be useful to share the results so far. Works and all. Here are the plans I wrote about, and a report on my observations Productivity Philosophy.  If you are not familiar with the GTD philosophy, I encourage you to read David Allen's seminal work on stress-free productivity. A great augmentation to the GTD material is one of my favorite new podcasts and websites, Erik Fisher's "Beyond the To-Do List". At this point, I would give myself a "brown belt" when it comes to GTD. My biggest challenge is keeping my inboxes to zero, and limiting those inboxes to the smallest number possible. Planning. In keeping with my adherence to GTD, my planning is fairly simple. I have a weekly review session on Fridays, during which I collect all the inputs that have accumulated over the past week, and one by one clear them from my inbox.  So far I've done a pretty good job of keeping on top of my weekly reviews. I'd say I am at about 90% on this one. Disciplined Tracking.  For business activities, I am developing a dashboard for my company in Excel to keep track of key metrics. Frankly, I've gotten so caught up in looking for the perfect dashboard, I haven't really started using one yet. That will change within the next three days, as I am forcing myself to pick some kind of tracking system. Even if it is  3 x 5 cards. Productivity Tools. In the past, I have been a "tool junkie". I have actually managed to not look at any new productivity tools since the beginning of the year. That may not sound like a big deal to you, but it's a big deal to me. Boundaries. This year, I am resolved to stick to my regimen of only answering email once a day, and the same for phone calls. I also intend to be "off the grid" three days a week for both email and phone calls. Still my biggest challenge. My name is Ray Edwards, and I am a recovering "yes man". Guarding My Heart and Mind. Toxic thoughts and emotions destroy us. Toxic thinking limits our potential for accomplishment. Toxic emotions limit our potential for happiness and fulfillment. In the new year, I will not allow negative thinking, language, images, or emotions to pierce the boundary of my sight or hearing. While I have improved in this area, I still have work today. Have watched a couple of things on television that, in retrospect, were a bit dark and cynical and viewpoint. It isn't possible to watch things like this and walk away unaffected. Task Batching. I perform best when I batch similar tasks together and do them all at once. This is going pretty well for me,