Movie Stream Cast Ep. 010: The Messenger (2009)

Movie Stream Cast show

Summary: Today Jason reviews The Messenger starring Woody Harrelson, Ben Foster, Jena Malone and Samantha Morton. Staff Sergeant Will Montgomery (Foster) has been assigned to the Casualty Notification Team after being injured by an IED while deployed. Despite Captain Tony Stone (Harrelson) teaching him otherwise, Montgomery continues getting too close to the grieving family members. Jason makes a bold claim about Woody Harrelson and his career. He also reads Hammer's mind. Fast Facts: The soldiers in the film wear a patch with the number "22" on it, this is a non-existent "Phantom Division" which was used to fool the Germans during World War II. Sydney Pollack and Ben Affleck were both attached to direct at different times before screenwriter Oren Moverman eventually took the director's chair. Sgt. Brian Scott who served as a technical advisor on the film was deployed to Iraq and was injured in an IED attack. He re-deployed to Afghanistan this April. Next Week's Film: The Paperboy We hope you enjoyed our podcast. If you did, please check back next week and don't forget to follow us on twitter @MovieStreamCast and subscribe in iTunes. Also you can reach us by email at var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};