Pat Sisson: Hotel Manager and Ghost Buster


Summary: Can you launch a livelihood career with an unusual set of skills?  Musical gifts, a gift with words, athletic gifts—we can easily imagine work opportunities that would allow us to express these talents in a contemporary marketplace.  What about a gift of clairvoyance? It’s described as the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses- extra-sensory perception. Today’s guest, Pat Sisson has built that career. She found a market for her skills in clairvoyance with people ranging from wisdom seekers to law enforcement. Now, she's sharing her livelihood journey with us.  I first met Pat in Knoxville, Tennessee with a group of graduate students, and I’ve been following her career with interest ever since. She is an author, motivational speaker, and counselor with an unusual set of skills. Here’s what she says on her Facebook page: “Since 1984, I have been a fulltime psychic. I like using the "tools" of the trade (such as tarot, palmistry and) psychic reading, which can be informative and spiritual. I have my own company and pay taxes. I enjoy the privileges of citizenship….Yet in  '66 what I do for a living was very suspect..” Pat is the author of The Royal Path, a Layman's Look at the Tarot. Be sure to check her out on Facebook as well!