Land O'Lakers: Questions surrounding Dwight Howard, poor Disney World ethics, sleepover crime | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary:   Similar to how this Lakers offseason will be dominated by Dwight Howard chatter, so is the new podcast. Among the talking points: * Throughout this season, we've consistently stated the opinion Howard will ultimately re-sign with the Lakers. One rumor ( ( month removed from his exit interview, has anything shifted? What criteria would swing Howard's decision one way or the other? * While Howard struggles to make up his mind are a running punchline, it doesn't change the fact that, in my opinion, the guy genuinely has no idea, beyond the purely conceptual, what he wants. And while Lakers fans may consider indecisiveness towards wearing purple and gold to be basketball sacrilege, there are legitimate reasons Howard wouldn't consider staying in L.A. a no-brainer. * On the flip side, is locking up Howard an automatic no-brainer for the Lakers? Can Howard serve as a franchise cornerstone? * How badly would the Lakers be damaged if Dwight packed up his Superman cape and left town? We share the hidden upside to a straight rebuild, were the Lakers to begin construction ASAP. * We can all agree the Richie Rich-folks perpetrating this Disney World scheme ( are terrible, terrible people. * Our man Trevor Runyon had himself one helluva party while illegally camped out overnight in a convenience store ( Were the K Bros to replicate this crime, what locale would each choose?