The Obscurecast | Press Start to Continue 5-14: “Lets try that one again”

The Obscurecast show

Summary: Sil is back! which can mean only one thing: It's time for The Obscurecast! - the gang talks Kickstarter (for a change), EA (for a change), discusses why the internet is saying WoW is dead (for a change) it sets XBox rumours straight, talks movie news, and debates a listener submission D&D 4e or do you like it Old Skool? Plus we hear the voices of the Obscuredience, and more, right after the jump! Gaming News Highlights Raz EA get exclusive rights to Star Wars games No the next Xbox dosn’t have to be always connected to the net old school D&D - sent in by Ian on Twitter Exalted 3rd Edition kick starter - gets it’s $60,000 funding in 17 minutes WoW subscriptions drop to 8.3m Google hire chief game designer   Sil Warner Bros. to Make a New D&D Movie? John Carpenter wants to make a deadspace film: God of War creators making unannounced project: Talking Point for the week Raz: What is it the one genre of games you just can’t seem to enjoy   Next week: Most annoying npc you’ve ever encountered in a video game or that your dm/gm created. Obscurebag:   Stompalina Puzzle games. I get frustrated and want to SHOOT STUFF!   Paul Bates I hate platformers. I've only liked a few including super Mario land on the GB, Mario 64 and if you can call it a platformer, mark of the ninja. It might be because I am rubbish at them, but that doesn't usually stop me liking games.   Robert Turn based ... Aka final fantasy.... Prefer real time ...   Casey Match 3/4 games (Candy Crush, Bejeweled, etc) Probably because I'm mildly colourblind, and have a hard time seeing the difference between Blue and purple, red and green, etc.   James Sports games - no interest in sports, no interest in sports games (with the exception of Wrestling games, but that doesn't count right??)   and RTS - despite really really wanting to. I just do not have the patience an strategic forethought to deal with Modern RTS games. When the required tactics got more complicated than 'Tank Rush' (i.e. anything past the original Command and Conquer) I was forced out of the genre. I now just watch my best mate play, watching him play against even the hard AI is like watching Garry Kasparov play me at Chess. RTS AI designers need to step it up lol.   and one more (never a short answer from me lol) MOBA (League of Legends, DOTA etc) - I simply cannot deal with the aggression and toxic behaviour that seems to be inherent in this genre. I don't play games to get bitched at for simple mistakes, I play games to chill out and have fun.   I just cannot get into the realistic simulators: Flight Simulator, Train/Truck/Farming/etc.  These games do not break away far enough from reality for me to escape and have fun. Thanks for the great podcast, Gabriel   Give us a shout out and review on iTunes! Tweet us do! Razerbug @rzbg Damarai @_damarai Sil @Lumineus - or @obscurecast Intro music was Decimal Places by I Concur.