Adam Shepard: You don’t have to travel the world to seek adventure

be intrepid. show

Summary: The stories about people traveling the world are more common than they use to be. But my conversation with author, speaker, and traveler Adam Shepard is less about travel, and more about getting into the mindset to achieve something that matters to you. And as you should know, mindset is all that matters. Here are some highlights from my conversation with Adam: 1. Before Adam embarked on this big life goal, he had to sacrifice and work hard to save money to make the trip. This time spent, saving money, a step most people ARE NOT willing to make in the pursuit of a big dream. 2. How to spend $5 and be inspired. 3. Why most people won't buy into delayed gratification. 4. The need to break out of complacency, break routines, combat fear, and move into new life grooves. 5. The power that comes from getting out of your comfort zone. And that even little things have an impact. 6. How to move forward after completing a major life goal that has almost defined you. [hint: being "present" helps...] 7. You don't have to spend a life one-upping your latest adventure. It is ok to continue to challenge yourself in littler ways, and take pride in doing simple things well. 8. How this mindset, and being present, helps in everyday business situations like sales and marketing. Learn more about Adam Shepard. You can get Adam's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Adam Shepard, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 89.