Meet Suzan Carrol, PhD Clinical Psychology, Multidimensional Meditation Creator

Awake: Now What? show

Summary: Suzan Caroll has been a spiritual seeker her entire life and has been on The Path for about thirty years. She also has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and has been counseling for eighteen years. Suzan first learned of the impending shift of reality into the higher dimensions over twenty-five years ago. Since then, she has been watching and studying in preparation. Suzan states, "To me, blending of the psychological and spiritual means to “walk your talk.” This blending demands a conscious commitment to creating a reality that is true to the person I want to be. This calls for me to first know who I am now (psychological), and second, to be in connection with the Multidimensional SELF (spiritual) with whom I am becoming ONE. In order to blend the psychological and the spiritual, I believe that we must take complete responsibility for the life that we are living and surrender to our Soul/SELF to understand the lessons that life offers us. Responsibility does not mean blame. When we blame ourselves for what went wrong, we only create guilt and shame. However, if we take responsibility for what is happening in our life, we can embrace the power to guide us to a resolution. I feel that sometimes our Soul places us in a difficult situation as an “initiation” to force us to connect with our multidimensional consciousness. To find out more go to