CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: When little Adam let out a loud scream, Mom hurried to the backyard to see what happened. "I just took this piece of glass away from him," explained Tami, holding out a glittering piece of broken glass. "Adam found it on the ground and was about to put it in his mouth when I stopped him. He didn't like that." Mom picked up the little boy. "Thanks for watching him so carefully, Tami," she said. "You probably saved him from getting a bad cut." Tami shrugged. "Yeah, but Adam sure didn't appreciate it," she said. "He thought I was being mean." "I know. That's because he's just a baby," Mom replied. "Babies don't always understand that you're helping them." She smiled at Tami. "You've helped me a lot by watching Adam today," added Mom, "but now it's time for his nap. Would you like to go play with Carrie for a while? Or ask her to come over?" "Carrie is mad at me," replied Tami. "She was mad at her mom for making her turn off a TV show their family used to watch before they were Christians. When I said her mom was right and that I wasn't allowed to watch it either because it's not a good show, Carrie got mad at me, too." "That's too bad," said Mom. "Try to remember that she hasn't been saved very long, and be patient with her. It's like she's just a baby Christian." "So sometimes she'll probably get upset like Adam did when I took the broken glass away from him?" asked Tami. "Yes," said Mom. "When someone tries to help new Christians and protect them from dangerous things, they may resist and become angry because they feel they're not being allowed to live the way they want to. They may resent guidance from older Christians." Mom shook her head. "Even those of us who have been Christians for quite a while often don't like to accept help." When Tami thought about it, she knew she didn't always want advice from her parents or other adults, either. I hope I don't act that way too often! she thought. I'll try to be more patient with Carrie--and I'll try to listen better when older Christians tell me something. How About You? Do you accept the advice and help that is offered to you by your parents? By your pastor? Your Sunday school teacher? Grandparents and other mature Christians? They are more experienced in life and know more than you do about the dangers and tricks of Satan. Be open to their guidance. Today's Key Verse: He who heeds council is wise. (Proverbs 12:15) Today's Key Thought: Accept advice from mature Christians