The Paper Route

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "It's just not fair," stormed Cole as he and Pete came into the kitchen after school. "I'm your own brother!" Mom looked up. "What are you two arguing about?" she asked. "Pete asked another kid to do his paper route for him while he's at church camp," Cole told her. "He could have asked me. He knows I could use the money. He's just being . . ." "Hey! I asked you to help me not long ago," broke in Pete. "I told you to put the papers on the porches in case it rained. But you were in such a hurry to finish, you just tossed them toward the houses, not bothering to see where they landed. It did rain, and my customers were not happy." "I remember hearing Pete warn you that his customers complain when their papers get wet, Cole," said Mom. "I guess it's no wonder he doesn't want to give you the responsibility of his paper route for three whole days!" Cole glared at his brother. "I think he's being mean," muttered Cole as he stomped away. For family devotions that evening, Dad read aloud from the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew. (See today's Scripture). "What happened to the servants who faithfully took care of the things for which they were responsible?" Dad asked. "They were rewarded," said Pete promptly. "Yes. And, Cole, how about the one who didn't do well with his responsibilities?" asked Dad. "Oh, um . . ." Cole couldn't help but think about how irresponsible he had been with Pete's newspaper route. "That guy got scolded, and . . . ah . . . the little bit he had was taken away from him, too," Cole answered hesitantly. "That's right," said Dad. "It's good for us to check up on ourselves to see how we're handling our responsibilities. Jesus wants us to always do our very best in whatever job we're given, whether it's homework, some kind of employment, a job in the church, or whatever tasks come our way as we live for Him each day." Cole nodded. I'm gonna do better--then maybe Pete will even let me do his route sometime again, he thought. I sure don't want to end up like that last guy did. How About You? What kind of work do you do? Do you work to the best of your ability, or do you try to finish as quickly and as easily as possible? Maybe you think the tasks you have to do are so small it doesn't matter if you do them carefully or not. But it does matter! Whatever you do--even the little things--should be done in a way that brings glory to God. If you can be trusted to do a small job well, people will also trust you with bigger and better jobs. And God will, too. Today's Key Verse: He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. (Luke 16:10) Today's Key Thought: Always do your best work