Why+How I’m a Different Species of Human – TNC 501

Validate Your Life : Productivity and Minimalism, Tech, Atheism, and More show

Summary: I am different from normal homo sapiens that I've seen in many ways.  Three ways that come to mind are Accents Minimalism Not Earning Earthian Currency and Having Done More work than Most Normal Humans Do Before they Die (Times Three) Those are pretty distinct, singular (as good ol' Sherlock Holmes would say!), admittedly idiosyncratic, but also....100% pure premium MOI, ME (John Kooz + VernePhilleas = JohnVernePhilleas!). If I noticed many other people like me i wouldn't have taken the time to do this scintilliating, sick awesome gnarly rad Superb Recording.  I am awesome!  And you can evaluate me however you which but another way I'm (in some ways heinously more advanced, and in other ways maybe you consider not so advanced, but species just evolve, eh?! They do!  They evolve and their adaptions, mutations, and advancements make them just different....eventually (in evolutionary biology) so different that they are taxonomically class  Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violoent Opposition from Mediocre Minds -- Albert Einstein (A hero of John Kooz's from 2007-2009, but...his hair was too shabby so fuck that!) Three Father Figures (Not Homosexual though; experimented with that).  Three father figures help me like no other. Anti-Psychiatry - I have done over 100 hours of therapy forced to see over 18 doctors and over half a dozen shrinks.  I proudly have over 2 dozen 'disorders' from America's (hey it's printed from AMA) Diagnostic Statistic Manual, and considering the most recent version was updated in 2013, I muse with savoury delight at the petty, putrid, dismal, emotionally-abusive, and heinously corrupt shrinks that they had to add in 'more disorders' probably because of me - because of my advancements. Nemeses label your peculiarities as denigrating flaws and defects; friends, lovers, teammates elicit and evoke your peculiarities making you realize how awesome you are. ( I little bit of good ol'John Kooz (+ Verney, don't forget moi!)wisdom ;D) True. Oauth. Oath! Now, I have an entire book i wrote on minimalism which is written like an engineering manual with symmetrical 2-4-2 (8 Principles).  You can see me wield accents at myaustraliandreamfamily.com and nerdsexcode.com and some of my youtube channels.  Not earning earthian currency...well banks no that! xD. People are different.  Often so different, that they must be classified as a sub-genre of species.  It would take me 40 years of my life explaining how I am inexplicably not FEEBLE (but advanced), contrary to what Americans (with their women labelleing I could mention my Bachelor's Degree International Coach Certification How I attended and got marks from 4 colleges around the world (London School of Ecnomics, Sea Education Association, Colorado College, and the delightful (although I will never be there again) University of California, Santa Barbara. How I trained myself to complete 2 sub 4-hour marathons and broke 5-minutes in the mile (despite really detesting running; just something I did using some nlp and self_code as one of the dozens of forms of proofs that validate how i am indeed more advanced than most humans.  I'm not deliberately an uber-mensch, but i must say, when i look at must humans, I observe inadequacy and inferiority because they haven't utilized their body+brain+voice and Time as efficiently as i have.  Fortunately, I have seen people whom are of a species similar to my own.  Other human-sub-spieces may label me as inferior or superior and such judgments I am indifferent to!  I detest exercise.  Walks are great.  Screaming I love! Martial Arts - 3rd kyu (didn't like that) 3.4 million words of books in journals and books published at @http://www.diysamurai.com (I am working on that site but it was so much work that publishing it all, over writing journals and books for the past 10 years is, well, something i will use NLP to frame as something simple and normal,