Episode 026 Matthew Kressel & Kate Baker

The Functional Nerds Podcast show

Summary: 026 The Functional Nerds In the 26th episode of The Functional Nerds, Patrick Hester and John Anealio are joined by Matthew Kressel & Kate Baker  We chat about: Sybil's Garage, Clarkesworld Magazine & podcast, being an IT professional, Altered Fluid, Craigslist, Small Beer Press, writing groups, Sybil's Cave, anthologies, the slush pile, Hal Duncan, the Snoopy dance, conventions & convention parties, Unicorn Pegasus Kitten, Wil Wheaton, John Scalzi & the Lupus Alliance of America. Featuring Original Music by: John Anealio - Sundog (instrumental) John Anealio - The Ferris Wheel Support the Lupus Alliance of America - check out http://unicornpegasuskitten.com/ © 2010 Patrick Hester & John Anealio