EPISODE69 - Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc

Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc show

Summary: Discussion today included: Universal law is all about vibration and aligning yourself with what you want. Kat discusses her grandson's limping during last week's Talkcast and how within about 10 to 15 minutes she was able to clear his issues and get him back to walking normal. Discussion of how children are very reactive to the energy around them, and other people's emotions. In-depth discussion of the Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file linked to the Emotional Freedom (EF) vial. Writing on My Walls file linked to the EF vial discussed. Discussion about using the EF vial to help remove "neural nets." Discussion of Law of Attraction and Negative Emotional Button Deactivation and Transcend Emotions, Psychological Processes, Views & Influences EF files. Replacing unwanted behaviors with desired behaviors discussion. Utilizing the file My Own File_____ linked to the EF vial. Setting the EF vial to auto run. Brief discussion of the Whatever energy vial. A new file called I Love... linked to the Emotional Freedom vial discussed. Short discussion of how EF file names are developed. Everyone invited to the yahoo group Energy 1: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/energy1/ And Switchwordsgroup: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/switchwordsgroup/ Broad Switchword SIMPLE defined and explained. CRYSTAL-CONSIDER-REACH Switchphrase discussed. Write Switchwords on your water vessels. Switchphrase that may help decrease body odor discussed.