#15: Brenton Ford on using Video to Build your Business

Web Video Marketing Show show

Summary: Have you ever read a book called "Crush It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk? I read this book a few years ago and it was incredibly inspiring. If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend you check it out. In the book, Gary Vaynerchuck talks about taking your passion, or a subject you have a particular interest or expertise in, and creating a business around that, no matter how specified or rare that niche is. Today I’m speaking to Brenton Ford. Brenton is the brains behind Effortless Swimming (http://www.youtube.com/user/EffortlessSwimming). He has a swimming background, and has created a really successful online business that provides coaching and training to swimmers, that he has mainly built and publicised through video. In the four years since he's started his YouTube channel, Brenton has had well over two million views. Brenton is an excellent example of someone who is successfully using video to really grow their business, and has a number of easy, effective ideas to pass on about building your brand online. We'll discuss his video marketing strategy, why his approach to web video has changed since he started marking them, and how he's rapidly grown his audience by following a few simple tips. You can download this episode directly from this link, or find The Web Video Marketing Show on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/web-video-marketing-show/id571170077).