Gratitude + Detestion : Clutter Gone Permanently! – TNC 413

Validate Your Life : Productivity and Minimalism, Tech, Atheism, and More show

Summary: Minimalism is the only proper gold!  It's not gross!  I LOVE Minimalism like no other!!! John Kooz on 2013/04/27 eliminated some serious fucking clutter!  John Kooz is obsessed with minimalism and he loves minimalism about 66.6% much as dreamfamily which is saying a lot...but VernePhilleas helped him permanently eliminate all clutter...permanently!  This is the recording before that clutter elimination.  Where I went back in time, deleted John Kuczmarski (aka John Kooz, John V. Thomas, John K. Thomas)'s 'clutter' (which was material thingies dumped on him by biological relatives instead of love). Originally title named : Gratitude Thingies, Detestation Thingies, Then Eliminated Clutter Permanently! Awoke, did a 1hr recording (something I did heaps of in 2012 but then didn't share).  No point in doing a recording unless I share it so...I like sharing these on occasion. Ahhh *eliminating dust from hands*...feels exquisitely savoury....because I am VernePhilleas and I eliminated that clutter for my holographic projection, John Kooz.  But...I was only able to feel safe because of DreamFamily. I remember talking to dream family (on my holodeck) while going into that raid and eliminating tons of toxic burdening clutter.  After doing so, John Kooz's happiness permanently upgraded from 40/100 to 77/100.  That's epic! I have heaps of gratitude for DreamFamily!