Mike Eruzione: Believe in each other, change your mindset, know the value of trust, and be yourself

be intrepid. show

Summary: Guess I am done with podcasting, since I've now had the pleasure to speak with my boyhood hero, Mike Eruzione: motivational speaker, businessman, and captain of the 1980 gold-medal winning US olympic hockey team. Here are some highlights from my conversation with Mike: 1. Mike achieved something amazing 33 years ago now, and was a young man when he won the gold medal. Lots of people, myself included, achieve big things early in their life and careers. We discuss how one moves on with life, after big early successes, and continues to strive to make big things happen as they live, day to day. 2. Mike, with all of his motivational speaking, shares what's on the minds of his audiences, what they need, and what messages seem to resonate most. 3. One of the key back stories from the Gold-medal run was the importance of team and family. Too many organizations still struggle at building solid collaborative teams. Mike and I talk about the lessons he learned from 1980 and from current experience, that can help people and organizations become better with this. 4. In relationships, in pursuing personal goals, in business, fear still holds so many people back from achieving what they are capable of achieving. Mike shares advice and lessons that helps people begin to figure out how to overcome fear. 5. In the life of every individual, every team, and every business, there comes a time when you stare straight into doing something that appears impossible. But the ones who ultimately achieve success, at some point, begin to believe and trust in themselves. Mike shares some thoughts on the importance of belief, and how it begins. 6. There was a reason Mike was selected to be the captain of the hockey team. He talks about leadership in 2013, and shares his best advice for successful leaders today. 7. Mike shares some ideas on how to push through and get big things done, even when you are making progress, and success seems assured, people still have to "beat Finland." 8. Answering a question from the audience, Mike talks about how to push through the adrenaline rush of nearing the conquest of a big task, and keeping your focus to get it done. 9. Finally, a fun question from the audience: I ask Mike what HIS favorite sports memory was as a child. Note: Mine was Eruzione's game-winning goal to beat the Soviets, as it was for many others of my generation... ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Mike Eruzione, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 87.