MMO Reporter Episode 122 – Foundry? What Foundry?

MMO Reporter show

Summary: Chris, Layanor and Harry discuss their gameplay habits for the past week, some Neverwinter Launch...ummm...Open Beta news, and the Helm's Deep announcement for LOTRO. Listen now: What we did in game  Layanor Lord of the Rings Online! I hit rank 11. Started to rank level 12 but it will take awhile. awhile If I get 10k a day I will be rank 12 in two and a half months. Harry Coderunner Guild Wars 2 Chris Defiance - EGO 260 - Continuing the story LOTRO - Reputation and Hytbold Rift - Opened up the entire map Guild Wars 2 - Zone Completion Neverwinter News Lord of the Rings Online announces Helm’s Deep Experience the Battle for Helm’s Deep – Fight to defend Helm’s Deep starting at level 10, as your character enlists as a soldier in the Battle of the Hornburg, the most massive conflict yet in The Lord of the Rings Online.  Earn rewards for your contribution to the war effort – win or lose, your aid makes a difference! Explore new landscapes across Western Rohan - Explore the Westemnet of Rohan and rally each of the five Ridings as Rohan returns to glory. Traverse the capital of Edoras, mysterious Dunharrow, and the fortress of the Hornburg, deep within Helm’s Deep. Advance from levels 85 to 95 - Experience 10 new levels, from 85 to 95, with new skills and completely updated class specializations. Both mounted and un-mounted combat will challenge you as you war against the evil of Saruman. Continue the Epic Story - Encounter beloved characters such as Aragorn, Éowyn, and Éomer. Restore King Théoden to his rightful lordship and defend the peoples of Rohan at Helm’s Deep. Marvel Heroes Open Beta Weekend Time to celebrate the launch of Iron Man 3 in North America This weekend they be opening Marvel Heroes to anyone with an account at No emails to wait for, no keys to register... just register yourself here at and later this week you'll be able to download the client and get ready to play. This Open Beta Weekend will kick off Friday, May 3rd and will continue right through until Monday, May 6th - enough time for you to really explore what Marvel Heroes is all about. Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter Open Beta D&D Neverwinter is a fantasy action uber slahemup game This game is not related to any other D&D game. It is a new original game. One time I opened up some cracker jack and I got a stupid sticker. Wheres the prize? I did however buy another box but I got some paper folding puzzle. That is pretty cheap of them. Neverwinter First Impressions [4:23:10 PM] Carrie: From the twitter RE never winter. @PWIChannel: To celebrate @Neverwintergame Open Beta, here's a quick Dreamchaser code! 2S4WSK4 One use per account! Redeem here: Defiance contest lets your be on the show! Sorta... Simply register yourself at the official contest page and head into the game to earn the most ark salvage per hour during the contest period from 12:00 a.m. PDT April 30 to 11:59 p.m May 12 in the Most Wanted: Competitor and Most Wanted: Rogue's Gallery in-game pursuits. If you win, you can send in a pic of yourself and it will be superimposed onto a character into the show. I bet you're an alien! Rrrr alien man rraaaarrl!!!! Winners get stuff shoves on their foreheads. Rawrrr!!! Guild Wars 2 Flame and Frost goes live Custom Arena’s New living story instance new pointers take out armys level quality lag World of Darkness development shown at EVE Fanfest 2013