Andrew - A Masked World

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Have you ever walked down the street, or through a store, or stopped at a park and just watched people?  People are masters at wearing masks to hide what's really going on in their lives.  We all do it, to some extent.  We don't want people to know what we're thinking or feeling so we put on a happy face and try to fool the world.When Jesus comes into our life, He sees past the facade.  He sees past the pretty face we like to portray and sees into our heart.  And, he loves us just the way we are.  Once you've experienced His love, you can't go on as if everybody else is just fine.  Think back to the first time you knew that God loved you, even though you weren't perfect.  Remember the freedom that came from taking off the mask?  Today, let's reach out to hurting people living behind a mask.  Let's be the ones who are consistently reaching out, laying the foundation, and living in freedom and relationship with Jesus Christ.  That way, when God softens the hearts of those around us, and masks start to come off, we'll be there to gently lead our hurting friends to the feet of Jesus.