Tend to Relationships, Watch Them Grow

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: When you tend to something, you see results. Think about a garden. No one who expects a beautiful, thriving garden merely throws some seed on the ground and walks away. Instead, care must be taken to plant seeds and water the ground. Then, when the plants are grown, we must trim and maintain the foliage.In the same way, if you want to enjoy successful relationships, you must tend to them. You cannot wake up every morning and merely HOPE things go well. Rather, you must take conscious action to keep relationships healthy. The Bible says, "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." Love is not passive. Love is a verb; something you choose to do.How great is your vision for your relationships? If you want to enjoy healthy, thriving relationships - with your spouse, your children, your coworkers or your neighbors - you must take action. So, make up your mind today to strengthen your relationships. Ask God to give you His love for the people in your life. Ask Him for the courage to put that love into action. As your relationships are strengthened, you will have more and more opportunities to share your faith.  There's nothing more fulfilling than that.