First Aid Course

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: Jenna glanced out the window just as elderly Mrs. Carlson tripped over the curb and fell to the ground. I wish Mom were home, thought Jenna as she jumped up and ran out to see if her neighbor was hurt. Mrs. Carlson was trying to get up when Jenna reached her, but she obviously was in great pain. "It's my back," gasped Mrs. Carlson. "I hope I didn't break it." "Don't move," cautioned Jenna. "You might hurt yourself worse. I'll go and call 911." Mrs. Carlson nodded, and Jenna ran back into the house. When Jenna returned, Mrs. Carlson looked up and smiled weakly. "Thanks so much, Jenna," she said. "You seem to know what to do." Soon the ambulance arrived, and the paramedics carefully lifted Mrs. Carlson into the vehicle. At Sunday school the next day, Jenna told her class about the incident. "I'm glad I took a first aid course last summer," said Jenna. "I knew enough to have Mrs. Carlson lie still so she wouldn't hurt herself worse." "That's great!" exclaimed Mr. Berry, the teacher. "It's good to know what to do in emergencies." He paused briefly. "You know," he added, "it's good to be prepared to give physical help when it's needed, and we should also be prepared to give spiritual help to those we meet." "You mean . . . like we should know how to show them how to be saved?" asked one of the kids. "I don't think some of my friends are Christians," said another, "but I don't really know what to say or how to talk to them about accepting Jesus." "Me, neither," said Jenna. "I . . . I'm a little afraid to try because I might not know how to answer their questions or make it clear to them," she admitted. "I understand, but . . ." Mr. Berry paused. "Jenna took a first aid course and then practiced what she learned," he reminded the class. "Think of church and Sunday school and Bible study as a spiritual first aid course. You learned many things about God; now practice them. Ask Him to give you courage tell your friends about Jesus and what He did for you--and what He wants to do for them." "What if we goof up?" Jenna asked fearfully. Mr. Berry smiled. "Trust God to give you the right words," he said. "He won't fail you. You may not see it right away, but He'll use what you say for His glory." How About You? Are you afraid you won't know what to say if you try to tell friends about Jesus? It will be easier if you've prepared by regularly reading your Bible and memorizing verses. Listen carefully in Sunday school and church. Learn all you can about the Lord, and then speak up for Him. Share your testimony with your friends and trust God to use it. They need Jesus. Today's Key Verse: I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. (Romans 1:16) Today's Key Thought: Prepare--then talk about Jesus