Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: MAY DAY RALLIES: HOUR ONE. On this day, thousands of demonstrators in cities around the nation are expected to hit the streets in a coordinated day of action to urge the White House to stop deportations and ensure family unity, and call on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Pro-immigrant advocates and media commentators from Chicago, Fresno, Las Vegas and other locations join this first hour of a two-hour edition from the sites of the activities to give reports and insights on the immigration reform debate. Guests: Leo Murrieta, Director in Nevada, Mi Familia Vota, Las Vegas, NV, www.mifamiliavota.us ; Leoncio Vásquez, Communications Coordinator, Fresno Committee, Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales, Fresno, CA, http://fiob.org/ ; José Artemio Arreola, Policy Director, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Chicago, IL, icirr.org ; Marco Vinicio González, Reporter, Radio Bilingüe, New York, NY; Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI, www.vdlf.org ; Fr. Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, Caravana Abriendo Puertas a la Esperanza, Los Angeles, CA.