HHS Contraceptive Mandate Litigation Update 04-29-2013

Federalist Society Practice Groups Podcasts show

Summary: The controversy over the HHS contraceptive mandate has generated over 50 lawsuits, on behalf of more than 160 different plaintiffs. Most of the litigation on behalf of non-profit entities (universities, hospitals, etc.) has been on hold, awaiting the administration's planned issuance of a new final rule with an "accommodation" for non-profits with religious objections. Litigation on behalf of for-profit businesses and their owners, however, is moving through the courts of appeals, with several courts hearing arguments in May and June. To date, the for-profit businesses have won 17 preliminary injunctions, and been denied relief in 6 cases. -- Mark Rienzi, who is Senior Counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and an associate professor at the Catholic University of America's Columbus School of Law, discussed the current status of the cases during this teleforum. Our Religious Liberties Practice Group Chairman, William L. Saunders, introduced Prof. Rienzi and provided his commentary to Professor Rienzi’s remarks. -- Featuring: Prof. Mark L. Rienzi, The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and Senior Counsel, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty; Introduction and Commentary: Mr. William L. “Bill” Saunders, Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel, Americans United for Life and Chairman, Religious Liberties Practice Group; and Moderator: Mr. Dean A. Reuter, Vice President & Director of Practice Groups, The Federalist Society