How I Got My Job as an IT Dispatcher – Jason Boehm

How I Got My Job show

Summary: In this episode of How I Got My Job (mp3, 24:41, 11.3 MB), Jason "Jay" Boehm shares how he got a job as an IT Dispatcher. One of the keys to his job-hunting success was being confident without being arrogant. If you have a job-hunting success story you'd like to share, please e-mail your contact information to successstories AT howigotmyjob DOT com, and we'll get in touch to set up an interview. Find other job-hunting success stories at More job-hunting and career development information at Please share this episode with someone else who is looking for a job, and tell others about the show. They will thank you for it. Thanks! About Jason Jason "Jay" Boehm is an IT Dispatcher for Pomeroy IT Solutions in Hebron, KY. Loves everything technical and helping people solve their tech problems. You can find him constantly reading up on the latest and greatest technologies, learning Ruby on Rails playing with PHP during his free time. During the day he helps server admins find the help they need to make sure their companies' servers stay running 24/7. Did you like this post? If so, please consider subscribing for free! Get this and other job-hunting success stories from the source at If you'd like to share this post on Twitter, copy and paste this text: RT @danieljohnsonjr: Be confident in your abilities but not arrogant. As heard in @jayrox's #howigotmyjob story: