The Dead Bee

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: Andy trudged home, a grim look on his face. He knew his mother would take one look at his clothes and know he had been in another fight. And Dad would . . . well, Andy didn't know what Dad would do. But I don't care! thought Andy. Ever since Jase lied and got me in trouble, I can't stand that guy! As Andy passed an empty lot, he glanced toward an old tree stump where a swarm of bees had made a hive. There were none buzzing around, and he noticed a few lying on the ground. "Dead bees! I guess they couldn't stand the cold! I've been wanting one for my insect collection," he muttered. "Here's my chance to get it without getting stung." He picked up a bee and carefully put it in his pocket. When Andy arrived home, it was just as he expected. "Andrew James!" his mother exclaimed. "You've been in another fight! I suppose it was Jase again." Andy's father was already home, too, and Andy felt bad when he saw the disappointed look on his dad's face. "Well, Jase is always mean to me," said Andy, trying to defend his actions. "He says all kinds of hateful things!" "We've discussed before what Jesus says about the way we should treat those who aren't nice to us," said Dad. "Using our fists on them is not one of the thingsHe wants us to do." "No, but I . . . I try not to get mad, but I just can't help it," mumbled Andy. He shoved his hands into his pockets. With a yelp, he jerked them out again, and a bee flew to the window. "It stung me!" Andy exclaimed. "I thought that thing was dead!" As Dad removed the stinger from Andy's finger, he shook his head. "You know, Son," he said, "the anger and unforgiveness you have toward Jase is something like that bee. Those feelings lie quietly in your heart and seem to be dead, but when Jase provokes you, they flare up again. You need to give your hurt and anger to God." "I've tried," said Andy. "It doesn't seem to work." "You can't just say the words; you have to mean them," said Dad. "And do what God says--do good to Jase. I think you'll be surprised at what happens." "Be nice to him?" Andy asked. "But he . . ." Andy paused. "Be nice to him," he repeated after thinking it over. "I'll try it. I'll give him a . . . a cookie tomorrow." How About You? Does anger, envy, or selfishness flare up in your heart from time to time? Did you think you had conquered it, but there it is again? Perhaps you've prayed about it and said all the right words, but you never tried God's method of overcoming it--you've never replaced it with doing good to the other person involved. Sincerely ask God to show you a nice thing you can do for the person you dislike, and then do that nice thing. Today's Key Verse: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21) Today's Key Thought: Overcome evil with good