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Summary: ORANGE COUNTY IMMIGRATION TOWNHALL. This edition includes segments of a town hall meeting on immigration reform in the 39th congressional district in Buena Park, in Orange County, California, a conservative stronghold where immigration has been a highly contentious issue. Congressman Ed Royce built a reputation in Congress as an anti-reform advocate and a leading sponsor of border security measures. Despite a groundswell of pro-reform sentiment in Congress, Rep. Royce has yet to publicly state his position on the legalization proposals currently on the table. For Latinos and Asians, who now make up about 50% of the district’s population, immigration reform is an issue of the highest interest. This public forum is convened in partnership with Pacifica Radio's KPFK in Los Angeles. Guests: Arnulfo de la Cruz, California State Director, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, www.mifamiliavota.us/ ; Evelyn Vargas, DACA beneficiary; Julio Perez, Political Director, Orange County Labor Federation, Santa Ana, CA; Sergio Trujillo, Consultant, Hermandad Mexicana, Santa Ana, CA, www.hermandadmexicana.org ; Silvia Juarez, Rosalia Marin, Yesenia Rojas, Clemencia Carroll, Jose Luis Martinez, Julio Avila, Genaro Uribe, Maribel Martinez.