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Summary: IMMIGRANTS AND EARTH DAY. A news commentator maintains that undocumented immigrants are least responsible for carbon emissions yet are the most harmed by smog and climate change and end up migrating to survive and even out the playing field. Nations from the North have a climate debt with immigrants, and mass legalization is a small way to pay back, according to our guest analyst on this program to mark Earth Day. Guests also suggest that there is a growing momentum in the Latino community to build a movement around climate change, clean energy and conservation. We also cover a protest where mothers who have been impacted by pollution in California ask the Environmental Protection Agency to protect their communities from major polluters. Guests: Aura Bogado, Writer, The Nation, New York City, www.thenation.com ; Javier Sierra, Spokesperson, Sierra Club, Arlington, VA, www.sierraclub.org ; Linda Escalante, Southern California Advocacy Coordinator and Latino Outreach Specialist, Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles, CA, www.nrdc.org ; Magdalena Romero, activista, People for Clean Air & Water of Kettleman City, Kettleman City, CA.