ISIS Paranormal Radio & Author Stephan Martin

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Stephan Martin is an astronomer, educator, and author who has taught astronomy and physics at colleges and educational centers across the United States for more than 20 years. A specialist in extragalactic astronomy and the study of dark matter, his research and writing currently focus on the transformative potential of the insights of modern science and their integration into personal experience and everyday life. He is presently an Assistant Professor of Astronomy at Bristol Community College in southeastern Massachusetts; he graduated honors from Colgate University, and he earned his M.S. in physics and astronomy for the University of Wyoming. He has worked for the Space Telescope Science Institute, and has been a supervisor of the Williams College observatory. He has published numerous articles, some of which have appeared in the Shaman’s Drum, The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, and The Focusing Connection. He presently resides in Westport, Massachusetts with his wife. Tonight, Stephan will discuss his book Cosmic Conversations: Dialogues on the Nature of the Universe and the Search for Reality published by New Page Books. The text examines all important questions like: “Do time and space really exist;” “Can the universe be inside us, outside us, or both;” “Is the universe alive, conscious, and intelligent;” and “Where are we in the cosmic evolutionary picture?”