Energy Healing and the Law of Attraction - Jul 15,2011

Law of Attraction Secret Temple | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Energy Healing is part of the coming SHIFT. The problem is, is that anyone with a one day Reiki attunment can call themself an energy healer. True energy healers understand the Law of Attraction and how it works in the world of healing. Healing is more than symbols, or laying on of hands, or playing a few crystal bowls, true energy healing is about knowing how to tap into the matrix of the universe. This information was handed down through the ancient mystery traditions and expressed in the Law of Attraction. Robert Zink is a master Miracle energy healer. He is trained and has trained thousands around the world in various kinds of healing. People receive miracle healing either locally in So. Cal or around the world. This show will blow your mind with hard core information know one tells you.