Robert Zink's World of Magic and the Law of Attraction pt 1 - May 24,2012

Law of Attraction Secret Temple | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Robert Zink will take you to places you never thought possible when he breaks the lid off the secrets to magick and the Law of Attraction. This is a must listen to podcast! Many of of the Secrets taught in the mystical Order of the Golden Dawn were and are desighed to help one know their path and then manifest astonishing MIRACLES to go with it. Robert Zink is the Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. He is an author, lecturer, teacher, and Miracle Mentor. This broadcast will uplift your life and help you attract into your life what youy need and want. Robert has come under critical review from fringe so-called Golden Dawn Orders and "X-members" who have sought to hinder his crusade, Robert's mission to empower the average person who seeks an edge with the Law of Attraction. This two part series will expose it all and empower your life now